The biggest selling point for iPhone was its user
experience, rather than its individual features. The other
big attraction, of course, was its 225,000-strong apps
ecosystem – another key selling point to iPhone’s success is its software
and store design. Something that’s taken a while to sink
in for some smartphone rivals.
iPhone 4 32GB
Operating System:iOS 4.2
UMTS/GPS */car navigation with voice guidance:yes/yes/no
Screen: Size /number of pixels:4,9 x 7,4 cm/614 400
camera: Resolution 5 MP
Video player/VideoRecorder/VideoConferencing::yes/yes(1280 x 720)/yes
Memory:internal 29,5GB
MP3 Player/Data Cable/Stereo:yes/yes/yes
Depthxwidthxheight in cm/gram weight:11,6x5,9x0,9/140
Basically it went from the more stylish first model to a more practical form, which still keeps a glimpse of the original model line style.
In general iPhone 4 is an iPhone which makes it a perfect combination of style, functionality and usability.The new handset managed to take smartphones to an entirely new level.One of the great improvements on iPhone 4 is the new Retina screen.The iPhone 4 boasts numerous multimedia features being a serious competitor to the other available smartphones.